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RM 72.00
Concentrated Reef Builder for Coralline Algae, Corals, Clams & other Marine InvertebratesOverviewComplete source of the elements and molecules tha..
RM 47.70
OverviewHighly-concentrated, extended activity iodide solution.Provides iodide, which is important to hermatypic corals and other invertebrates harbor..
RM 38.70
Instructions and Guidelines Basic: Shake product well before using. Add 5 ml (1 capful) of product per 20 US-gallons of aquarium water every other da..
RM 64.80
Brightwell’s MagnesION-P is part of a complete system for maintaining the major elements. The concentrated powder form is perfect for those who want t..
RM 43.20
SpongExcelSupplement for Increasing Growth Rates of Sponges & GastropodsOverviewIonic silica solution for enhancing growth rates of sponges and ga..
RM 39.60
OverviewHighly-effective alkalinity(KH)-increasing (”buffer”) solution.Helps increase pH Stability in an aquarium by raising the alkalinity.Provides a..
RM 39.60
KH Buffer Powder for all Marine Fish and Reef Aquaria Overview Highly-effective alkalinity-increasing (”buffer”) powdered blend. Helps increase pH ..
RM 57.60
Amino & Omega - 3/6 HUFA Supplement for all Marine Fish & Reef AquariaOverviewProvides marine sources of amino acids and omega-3 and -6 highly..
RM 243.00
Get Superior Performance with this Ultra-porous Biological Media Ceramic BrickThe Xport BIO Brick was designed to be used in marine and hard freshwate..