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RM 80.80
disinfecting solution for bathing corals. Thoroughly cleanses the surface of coral. Reduces the risk of developing many diseases, examples: tissue nec..
RM 16.00
Astro AS-111 Air Pump Single Outlet Key Features: - 90 L/H Comes with single outlet Safe and quiet operation Super performance and high output ..
RM 133.00
Micro regulator is available in AC operation mode.The air output can be adjusted at desire. Double muffling design,low noise,large air output an..
RM 47.20
ACO-9601 3.2L/min 2.0W <40dB 110/220V 0.4kg 50/60Hz 136×78×68mm >0.012Mpa ACO-9602 7.2L/min 5.0W <40dB 110/220V 0.5..
RM 72.00
REEF-PRIMER Reef Primer is a premium dip for your corals and frags. Use in your acclimation routine before adding new corals to your system. ..
RM 180.00
MEDICMedic is a highly effective water conditioner used to de-pollute water in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidiz..
RM 135.00
ed after 20h30 in the evening. Treatment should be administered for a minimum of 12 days, but, should not exceed 22 days. Do not overdose! RES-Q-MED c..
RM 189.00
Good water circulation is critical to maintaining a healthy environment. The Rio HyperFlow delivers high performance at an affordable price. This comp..